Technological adaptations of digital marketing in the automobile sector

What is digital marketing in the automobile sector?

Digital marketing in the automobile sector involves leveraging online platforms and technologies to promote automotive brands, products, and services. Using a variety of digital media, this strategy enables automakers, dealerships, and associated companies to interact with prospective customers, attract a larger audience, and increase sales. The digital marketing in the automobile sector may satisfy the contemporary consumer’s inclination for online research and interactions by implementing digital marketing tactics, offering a streamlined and customized shopping experience.

  • Using social media channels for consumer interaction, targeted advertising, and content creation.
  • Implementing search engine optimization (SEO) into practice to increase website exposure and draw in natural search engine traffic.
  • Executing pay-per-click (PPC) marketing initiatives to connect with prospective customers by placing relevant adverts on social media and search engines.
  • Creating augmented reality (AR) experiences and virtual showrooms so that users can browse and personalize cars online.
  • Sustaining client connections, nurturing prospects, and making tailored offers are all accomplished via email marketing.
  • Producing educational and entertaining videos for websites like YouTube that highlight the features, opinions, and reviews of cars.
  • Use data analytics to monitor campaign success, comprehend customer behavior, and enhance marketing tactics.
  • Utilizing influencer marketing in conjunction with well-known automotive bloggers and influencers to reach new audiences.

When digital marketing is used, the customer journey may be more effectively engaged. It’s helpful at every stage of the buying process, from when people first become aware of it to when they actually buy something. Think with Google says that the average customer visits less than two dealerships before buying a car. Most of their preliminary research is done online. Using information about how people buy cars right now, automotive marketers can make predictions about future trends and try to get people to buy cars from their company. By doing this, they may be able to reach more people and get more people talking about their dealerships on social media.

In this blog, the major focus of discussion will be available at the analysis which will include the role of digital marketing in the automobile sector and the impact of digital and technology innovations in digital marketing. Further, the blog will evaluate and recommend some of the major strategies for the automobile industry to improve technical adaptations.

Role of digital marketing in the automobile sector

In the car business, there are several subsectors, such as manufacturing, marketing, and design and development. Based on the numbers, India’s auto industry is the seventh largest in the world in terms of how many cars it makes, but it is the fourth largest in terms of how many cars it sells (Dahiya and Gayatri, 2018). The growing demand for cars and their many parts creates new business opportunities for company owners and dealers. In the highly competitive auto industry, it is hard, but not impossible, to stay in business. 

The business could be successful if it makes the most of modern technology and resources, such as digital marketing. When a business wants to make sales, it needs to tell people about the cars it sells and how many different kinds there are (Dahiya and Gayatri, 2018). In other words, they need to get enough people to know about their products and services through an Internet presence that puts the focus on their cars and trucks. With the right digital marketing strategies, one can connect with potential customers and get more of them to buy.

Digital marketing in the automobile sector

Digital marketing lets businesses reach more people at a lower cost and with more efficiency and effectiveness than traditional marketing methods. As of digital marketing, this is possible. They can target potential customers based on their location, age, gender, interests, and other factors, which is hard to do with traditional marketing methods (Llopis et al. 2021). By focusing their budget on the customers who are most likely to buy and giving those customers top priority, they spend less on customers who aren’t likely to buy no matter what incentives the business organisation offers (Llopis et al. 2021).

When search advertising is used, you can also reach customers who are in the process of making a purchase if you use the right keywords. The same is true if they want to use their content to bring potential customers to their website or store by using the same keywords and making their content search engine friendly (SEO).When a good digital marketing plan is in place and being used, it is easier for customers to figure out which cars are in their price range.

Companies that sell cars are more likely to make a sale and make money from the sale of insurance or financing if they offer these services online instead of just in-store or over the phone (Bala and Verma, 2018). This is because potential customers can go to your dealership’s website right away and look at all of the financing options without being sent to another website that also offers financing options (Bala and Verma, 2018). As there are so many choices, they are more likely to find one that fits their needs and their budget.

Impact of digital and technical transformation on the automotive industry

Digital transformation will have a big impact on the traditional business model for cars in all parts of the automotive value chain, including design, manufacturing, distribution, and retail. The growth of industry-leading platforms and the availability of more and more data has made digital technology even more important (Dengler and Matthes, 2018). Due to these changes, businesses are having to change their value chains and business models. The auto industry is used to the kind of fast, disruptive changes that digital transformation, the next big disruptor, will bring (Dengler and Matthes, 2018). Digitization is happening in the automotive industry because of things like the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless solutions, and rising customer expectations.

Automobile companies, like all other types of businesses, will eventually digitalize their operations to get the many benefits of doing so, such as increased productivity and visibility. This digitization is possible because of new technologies like process mining and deep learning. Deep learning algorithms, process mining, task mining, and robotic process automation are all part of these technologies (RPA) (Gebayew et al. 2018). The digital technology revolution also has positive effects on society. Costs for getting around in the modern world are real and significant. Traffic jams cause drivers in Moscow, Istanbul, Mexico City, and Rio de Janeiro to waste more than 100 hours each year.

Every year, car accidents kill 1.25 million people and cost $518 billion in medical bills and lost wages. 

The fsQCA theory can be used in situations that aren’t always easy to predict because the people involved are different and there are many things that can make them happy. Also, because the companies involved are so different, they have very different ideas about how the digital transformation of the vehicle industry should be done (Gebayew et al. 2018). This makes the situation even more complicated. This technique lets the level of engagement and impact of the players be taken into account when making plans for digital transformation (Gebayew et al. 2018). The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem that is being looked at now has led to the satisfaction of the actors. 

To reach this goal, different actors’ points of view are taken into account, including, but not limited to, those of automakers (including shareholders, managers, labor unions, and workers), service providers, public transportation providers, consumers, and regional and national governments (Vogelsang et al. 2019). This study looks at both small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and large international companies that do business in Spain. SMEs are small businesses that sell or do work for the auto industry.

Strategies to improve technical adaptations made by the automobile industry

Most of the parts of a modern vehicle are almost the same as the originals. The only difference is that they have four wheels and steering. Adding new technology to cars has made them safer and easier to use, and it has also led to the addition of a number of features that increase the value and usability of cars for their owners (Tanç et al. 2019). Modern cars can do a lot more than just get you from one place to another, just like modern cell phones can do more than just make calls. The spread of digital technology is making it possible for cars to do more than one thing at once (Tanç et al. 2019). 

Without further a do, let’s take a look at the five ways that technology is changing the car business.

  1. Electric Vehicles (EVs):
    • Increased focus on developing and producing electric cars, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
    • Investment in charging infrastructure and advancements in battery technology for longer ranges and faster charging times.
  2. Autonomous Driving:
    • Development of self-driving cars with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).
    • Use of AI and machine learning to enhance safety and efficiency in navigation and traffic management.
  3. Connected Cars:
    • Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology for real-time vehicle monitoring and diagnostics.
    • Enhanced infotainment systems with seamless connectivity to smartphones, apps, and smart home devices.
  4. Digital Showrooms and Virtual Reality:
    • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies for immersive vehicle tours and customization.
    • Online platforms for virtual showrooms, enabling customers to explore and purchase vehicles without visiting physical dealerships.
  5. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Innovations:
    • Development of sustainable materials and production processes to reduce the environmental impact.
    • Implementation of green technologies, such as solar panels and energy-efficient manufacturing, to promote sustainability in the car industry.

People don’t need to drive cars anymore if cars can drive themselves. This could have a huge impact on the auto industry. This feature is already built into Audi’s cruise control system, which has a stop-and-go feature (Kochan et al. 2018). The cruise control system’s processor gets information about the car’s surroundings from a network of thirty control sensors placed all over the car. Some car companies, like BMW, are starting to make cars that can drive themselves and park themselves. This system uses sensors to figure out how much parking space is available and then chooses the best way for the car to park (Kochan et al. 2018).

Google is also working on self-parking systems that use remote driving technology and have lasers mounted on the roof.

With the head-up display (HUD), the system can show information like speed, gas mileage, RPM, and the current weather, among many other things. Holographic symbols are used in navigation technology so that drivers don’t have to take their eyes off the road to follow directions (Ivanov, 2021). So, the method is great for making cars that don’t need a driver. With the help of small cameras placed all over the car, the driver can look for hidden objects, which is usually hard to do from the driver’s seat.

There are sensors that can tell when things like tire pressure, lane changes, and collisions happen (Ivanov, 2021). All of these sensors work together to keep accidents from happening. Also, anti-lock braking systems and traction control systems help drivers keep control of their cars while they are driving.

WANNA KNOW – How to create a Digital marketing strategy from scratch


In this blog, the discussion concluded that the car industry is made up of many smaller industries, such as production, marketing, and research and development. Traditional marketing strategies are cheaper and reach fewer people, but they are less efficient and effective than digital marketing, which allows businesses to reach more customers at a lower cost. When a good digital marketing plan is in place and put into action, it will be easy for customers to decide which cars fit their budget.

Automobile companies, like all other types of businesses, will eventually digitalize their operations to get the many benefits that come with it, such as increased efficiency and visibility. The vast majority of modern car parts are almost exactly the same as the ones that came before them. The only difference is that these cars have steering and four wheels.


Q.1 What is the future outlook for digital marketing in the automobile sector?

A. In order to fulfill changing customer expectations, it is expected that advanced technologies like blockchain, AI, and AR/VR will be more heavily integrated in the future. Personalized and data-driven marketing methods will also likely receive more attention.

Q.2 Why is SEO important for automotive websites?

A. By enhancing a website’s exposure on search engines, SEO increases organic traffic and raises the possibility of drawing in prospective customers who are actively looking to buy a car online.

Q.3 How can social media be effectively used for digital marketing in the automobile sector?

A. Social media can be used to run targeted ad campaigns, engage with customers through interactive posts, showcase new models, and collect customer feedback.

Q.4 What are the key technological trends impacting digital marketing in the automobile sector?

A.The usage of AI for tailored marketing, AR/VR for virtual showrooms, big data analytics for focused campaigns, and social media integration for increased exposure are some of the major themes.

Q.5 What are the advantages of using influencer marketing in the automotive industry?

A. Influencer marketing has the potential to increase brand exposure, foster trust via reputable endorsements, and draw in target consumers who are drawn to particular car brands or characteristics.