Have you ever looked at two different companies and asked yourself as to why one is having a string of customers and consumers while the other has to chase after them? Much therefore depends on their grasp and utilisation of concepts of service marketing. In the current world, it is almost impossible to sale physical products as they are being replaced by experiences, therefore the knowledge on how to market services is crucial to any organization that wants to survive in the current market. This blog post is your one-stop resource to everything you need to know about service marketing including key characteristics, types of service marketing and the transformative 7Ps marketing mix.
What is Service Marketing defined as?

Service marketing is defined as the process of marketing services for sale as opposed to physical products. As opposed to product communication that deals with tangible items of inventory one may touch or feel, service marketing is all about services, which are perceived or felt experiences. Such things include things like being at a hotel, meeting with a lawyer, or attending a class at a fitness center. It is about making people want it, expressing the value proposition well, and treating them how you would like to be treated. Therefore, the marketing of services focuses on the attainment of high customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as dedication. Lastly, the aim is to develop customer value and attain a favorable service encounter, by which your company becomes unique.
Whereas product marketing concentration is based on physical commodities, the service marketing targets the non-physical components of the service such as skills, contact with the client, and the quality of services. Service marketing is actually a distinct category of the overall marketing discipline. They need to employ different action plans because you are selling events instead of objects.
Key Characteristics of Service Marketing
It is important that you know the nature of your services if you want to market them appropriately. Here are some key traits that set service marketing apart:
• Intangibility: This is a big one. The nature of services is such that they cannot be seen, felt, tasted or even bought before being consumed. You could never be able to test one or a massage or a tax preparation service before buying it. This implies that customers are hugely influenced by other factors such as your reputation and word around the market.
• Inseparability: Unlike goods, many services are organized so that they are produced at the time they are consumed. The relationship of the service provider to the customer is also a very defining aspect in the service industry. Consider a haircut – that is being done right there with the consumer.
• Variability (also known as Heterogeneity): It is considered that the quality of the service could be different because of the performer, time and space. It often turns out that a massage from one therapist differs from a massage from other therapists. This makes it necessary to aim at a certain level of standardization in your processes as a means of providing set standard for servicing.
• Perishability: We are unable to store services and use them at a later date after a customer’s need has been met. A vacant chair in an aeroplane or an unfilled appointment is a wasted chance. Here, as it is with any project, maintaining demand and capacity is important.
• Lack of Ownership: Purchasing a service means that throughout the contract, the product, as well as tangible ownership of it, cannot be claimed by the client. You are customarily paying for a service or for contact with someone who has the knowledge which you lack.
• Customer Participation: Sometimes the customers participate more in the service. The input and presence of the customer can affect the service. For instance, while providing personal training session, the trainer in question needs a client to engage him for the training to have an impact.
• Fluctuating Demand: It is important to understand that part of client base demand may vary depending on the time of the year, trends, and situations. A bar for example has higher demand in the night than in the day during weekdays, and during the weekends, it has more demand in the night compared to the day.
• Pricing Complexity: Pricing is by far the most challenging factor to deal with when addressing service offerings given that it is intangible. Among these factors are the cost, the perceived value and the level of competition.
Types of Service Marketing
It is crucial to understand that service marketing is not an easily templated process. It can be a little divided into several categories depending on whether you are targeting consumers or businesses, or depending on your objectives. Here are a few common ones:
• Internal Marketing: This concern itself is create and revolves around the marketing of services offered by your firm to your own employees. The purpose is to ensure the learners fully grasp what the company does, and are keen to provide excellent service. For example, if a company for example offers back market customer services, the staff should be knowledgeable about this service.
• External Marketing: Here, it means reaching out to people who may buy your products or services and those who are already using them. This comes in the form of commercials, press releases and media coverage, and facebook, twitter, and You-tube promotions and the like.
• Interactive Marketing: Customer experience work can be done by concentrating on ways to enhance the experience through the use of quality, assurance, and relationship management. Consider the option of customer feedback, customer loyalty and customer needs anticipation.
• Relationship Marketing: What is done here is to develop loyal customers for a company to be achieved. It is more about building the trust and customer loyalty with the help of individual approach and individual approach.
• B2C (Business-to-Consumer) Service Marketing: This entails the sale of services to consumers one-on-one . It covers industries such as accommodation and food service activities, health care and related services as well as the individual services.
• Non-Profit Service Marketing: In service marketing, the non-profit organizations strive to communicate within their targeted audience the objectives of their organization so as to get support in terms of volunteering or funds.
• Social Service Marketing: This sort of marketing involves advertising the selling of services aimed at helping society or issuances of certain products such as campaign on health or environmental concerns.
Being aware of which kind of service marketing you are promoting is very essential in making the right kind of promotion.
The 7Ps of Service Marketing Explained
The next six elements collected under the umbrella of the 7Ps of service marketing are as follows:
To enhance service efforts, the service marketing mix known as the extended marketing mix at times, is composed of 7Ps. These elements help organizations in the formulation of right and effective strategies for management to adopt. It is a framework that must be followed to ensure that businesses come up with a good service marketing strategy that will be efficient in the market. While product marketing often uses the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), service marketing adds three more Ps to reflect the unique nature of services: Successfully executed as the Triple Play of: People, Process and Physical Evidence. Let’s break them down:
• Product (Service Offering): This involves the Actual service you are providing 17 3.2.2 Provision of actual service This refers to the actual service you offer. It is about the establishing the following boundaries: what the service is; what that service offers; and how it meets the needs of a consumer.
- Its services may cover many classes from simple on as yoga, pilates, HIIT and many more.
- Distance education centers provide a course syllabi.
- A cloud-based software provider provides customer relationship management, project management shoes and maintained email as services.
• Price: This includes getting to know the appropriate amount of money to charge for the service you provide. Self costs, competitive influences, perceived consumer value and willingness to pay by customers should also be a major consideration.
- A fitness center has the objective of making various membership packages to Accustom to different budgets.
- Pay-TV an example of a streaming service that has variable cost structures : owing to difference in subscriptions packages.
- A software company has individual, team and enterprise plans.
• Place (Distribution): Place is all about ensuring that your service is available to the customers. This includes the location or where you offer your service – be it online or physical space.
- A fitness center may be situated close to residential and business undertakings.
- A cloud-based service should offer a simple to use website or application.
- A streaming service is a service that is available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
• Promotion: This means developing the practice of giving people a heads-up on your service. It encompasses advertisement,
social media marketing, PR, and sales promotion.
- A fitness center might use social media to talk to its clients on how to work out in the gym and also inform them of offers.
- A streaming service employs the use of advertising as a way of getting to the viewers.
- A software company applies different techniques: social networks, content marketing, and email marketing to get new clients.
• People: The personnel delivering the service are an important component of the service marketing-mix. They should possess professionalism, courtesy since they directly affect the attitude of the clients and their loyalty.
- Reception and trainers of a fitness center are professional and warm to the clients or members.
- A streaming service has a particularly allocated customer support middle.
- A customer service division of a brand software company should always respond or give assistance to the users.
• Process: This encompasses material that deals with the processes and channels under which the service is done. The organization of work and the relationship between the consumer and the provider are central to the experience.
- A fitness center automates the customer registration and charge.
- A software company should simplify the sign-up and the billing process.
- A streaming service gives a well-organization, intuitive experience.
• Physical Evidence: This comprises of all the firm assets that clients come across or touch while utilizing a service. These range from the layout of the physical space, the external and internal signs and logos, the website and or uniform of the staff.
- A fitness center must have a good infrastructure for the center, the centers must be comfortable and well cleaned.
- A software company can be seen to have colorful, friendly and easily navigable interface and organized branding.
- Login & Bonus. Some streaming service possible has a high-quality stream, frequent stream and lots of quality contents.
That is why, managing mentioned 7Ps businesses will be able to develop a service marketing mix adequate to the screwed customer needs and thus, provide more value.
Services Marketing Strategies Implementation
Therefore, what can you do to enhance service market communication? Here are some actionable tips:
• Understand Your Target Audience: Carry out adequate analysis to identify the customers’ want, desire, and challenges. You will need to present your messages and services based on these insights.
• Focus on Service Quality: They should make sure that they deliver quality services and this can only be made possible by training human resource. The phrase has it that, happy employees result in satisfied customers.
• Build Trust and Credibility: Explain what you offer and hoe you do it. Successfully assure and maintain good quality service.
• Leverage Digital Channels: Engage with customers through website, social media, and through contents out there in the market. Customer engagement calls for the generation of post that demonstrate the offered services.
• Personalization and Customization: Individual approach for each customer and target market promotion. This can help boost customer satisfaction to a greater level.
• Effective Communication: Cultivate a loud brand echo and learn to narrate good stories to your audience. Also, always respond to the customers, and respect what they have to say.
• Create a Strong Brand Identity: Your brand values are essentially the foundations of your brand, so you need to clearly specify them and then ensure that they are properly incorporated into your advertising image. Brand makes a significant difference with competitors who offer similar services such that a brand creates a competitive edge.
• Implement Referral Programs: Reward people with incentives that make them recommend the product to others who have not used it. Peer-to-peer communication is the best.
• Use Customer Testimonials: Provide other experience of happy customers to ensure that the customers have faith in what the firm is selling.
• Focus on the Process: Ensure that the customer has no problem in the service delivery process.
• Highlight Your People: Publicize the people who deliver your services to the market through your employees and your company branded marketing and advertising.
Do not forget that the best decisions in mitigation of a company’s profit by marketing its services involve a constant consideration of the industry trends and customers’ feedback so that the marketing methods employed can be altered as and when necessary.
Real Life Case/ Examples of Service Marketing
Let’s look at some real-world examples of businesses that have nailed their service marketing:
• Netflix: By the application of the 7Ps, this streaming service provides excellent service provision. They have many offerings for purchase (shows and movies), at varying prices (subscription tiers). It is available in every place (place) with a simple design (process) and markets itself well through good advertising (promotion). Their customers also get self-service support that is valued through the company’s customer support team which is people evidence. Their growth in other parts of the world is evidence that this strategy is effective.
• Hospitality Industry: Service marketing of hotels and resorts is used to market their facilities, restaurants and other meal services they offer. They are commercially hospitable to guests, and they use-icon (such as quality furniture) to communicate their service standards.
• Technology Service Firms: These companies then use case studies, testimonials and demonstration to offer evidence of their worth to prospective customers. It proclaims their competence and value brought by their tool or service to be provided.
• Healthcare: Health institutions such as hospitals are considered customer-oriented organizations relying on patient care and medical knowledge to gain the public’s trust. They focus on the staff knowledge and patients’ word-to-mouth assurance to make customers believe the claims.
• Education: In the context of service marketing, education institutions market their programs, faculty and physical infrastructure of their institution. They also focus on their alumni accomplishment to appeal to students seeking an education.
• The Lombardy Hotel: This hotel too optimised its website to bring out other value added services and to make the process of booking easy and attractive hence get more online bookings.
• Fit & Fab: This fitness center provides an assortment of programs and membership services along with a focus on consultation and pleasant customer relations.
• Other sampled companies such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Zendesk, Gusto, as well as many other firms offer numerous good examples of effective service marketing strategies.
From these examples it is apparent that efficient service marketing enhances customers’ satisfaction and thus strengthens the company’s positions.
Roles of Artificial Intelligence in service marketing
This is because artificial intelligence is quickly transforming how organizations engage markets to sell services. AI can make a customer more exclusive and hence giving him a special treatment as well as help to enhance customer relations while at the same time aiding in the processes of marketing. Chatbots can be powered by AI and offer continuous services, while
predictions can be made by means of analytics. This means that there are possibilities for giving more specific marketing strategies by companies. Businesses need to wake up and prepare for this all-invasive phenomenon known as AI that is set to transform service marketing.
Services marketing as a discipline is tenacious and central to the prosperity of any organization especially in the current world where the service that one gets may make a tangible product to be worthless. After reading the information about the specific features of service, the types of service marketing messages and the 7Ps tools you will actually learn how to develop a sound service marketing strategy for your business. Major in customers’ requirements, relationship with customers, service quality, timely adjustment of the trends. With these strategies, not only do you stand your ground in the stiff service marketing market but also you excel in it.